TEHRAN, IRAN—A conservative Web site said a handmade grenade exploded Wednesday near President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s convoy in an apparent assassination attempt, but Tehran state TV denied the report.
The Web site, khabaronline.ir, said the grenade detonated near Ahmadinejad’s convoy as he was on his way to address a crowd in the western Iranian town of Hamedan but did not harm him.
The president later gave his speech as planned, and it was broadcast live on state television. He made no mention of the attack in his remarks.
The president later gave his speech as planned, and it was broadcast live on state television. He made no mention of the attack in his remarks.
Hey! that reminds me.....What ever happendto that terrorist the USA has been chasing with 100s of thousands of military troops....Bin, bin...Yeah that's it, OSAMA BIN LADEN. Jesus, are the army rangers busy? CIA?